- Keeping comparatively fit and not over weight?
- Having your own comparatively inexpensive blood pressure machine and checking your blood pressure and heart rate as often as necessary – perhaps 3 or 4 times a day
- Taking the readily available medication to keep your blood pressure below 130?
- Taking the readily available medication to eliminate heart palpitations and keep your pulse rate under 70?
- Taking the readily available medication to keep your blood thin?
- Having checkups with a good cardiologist only every 12 months?
Could all the people appearing on the obits pages of various publications as dying at comparatively young ages not have died as young as they have if they’d done these things?
In particular could Paul Ramsay, the famous head of the worldwide hospital group, a multi-billionaire, not have died at 78 if he had done these things?
Our impression is that most heart specialists would say yes.