One of the things that Peter Drucker, the famous management writer, used to be always saying was that often the people in the top management of organisations don’t have to actually DO anything, it’s often enough if those under them KNOW that they KNOW – and, of course, CARE!
And one of the things that characterises many organisations is that the people below the people in top management know that the people in top management DON’T KNOW and DON’T CARE.
Some of the things that happen to us, the people, in dealing with such organisations, just couldn’t possibly happen if the people in their top management KNEW and CARED.
This is why we’re always recommending that, as far as possible, we only deal with organisations that have ordinary email addresses readily available that can be used to inform the people in top management how we’re getting on. Ordinary email addresses make it so easy to let the people in top management now how we’re getting on and/or have got on.
Email us at