Sometimes, little things tell you a lot!
One of our readers claims that, when he’d made a complaint to the HCCC about a doctor, that there’d been a serious omission in some advice he’d given him, and that when he’d emailed the doctor in the hope that he would “fill in the gaps,” the doctor hadn’t responded, the officer in charge of the matter, a Ms Catarina Soares, told our reader, “You shouldn’t have used the email address you used for the doctor, you should have used the email address for him obtainable from the Australian Health Practitioner’s Regulation Agency.” But when the reader had emailed AHPRA asking for the email address, they had replied saying they didn’t have one, and that they didn’t know what Ms Soares was talking about!!!
So when Ms Soares was emailed about this, did she respond? Of course, not. She didn’t care! She obviously felt no obligation to respond to the reader about this.
And when Sue Dawson was emailed about this, did she respond? Of course, not. She never shows any concerns about this sort of thing. Perhaps Dawson could have emailed Soares saying, “Respond to this bloke, and send me a copy – or else!” Does this sort of thing ever happen? Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!
And when Premier Berejiklian was emailed about this, did she respond? Of course, not. She also never shows any concerns about this sort of thing.
What a shambles? What a shambles? Nobody ever feels accountable for anything.
With modern technology, finding out what things and people and organisations are like is the easy part. Doing anything about them is the hard part.
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