Yesterday we received an email from one of our readers that included this – “I have recently had breast augmentation surgery with Dr Laith Barnouti and have experienced severe complications which the doctor will not address.”
Not another one!!!
At at today, Dr Barnouti has 51 ratings on the RateMDs website – RateMDs is an organisation based in Canada in which we have no interest in or control over. Almost half of these, (9 out of 21,) posted in the two years or so from April 2012, are 2 out of 10 ratings – the worst ratings possible as RateMDs doesn’t allow less than 2 out of 10. But then, over the next 12 months the 10 out of 10 ratings “kicked in,” – 30 ratings, 25 of them 10 out of 10, many of them more or less suggesting that Dr Barnouti may be the best doctor who’s ever lived.
Those of you thinking of consulting and/or using Dr Barnouti have to make of this what you will.
To us, that Dr Barnouti is still a “cleanskin” as far as the Australian Health Practioner Registration Agency, (AHPRA,) and the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission are concerned tells you everything you’d ever want to know about these two organisations.