Dr Andrew Brooks Urologist Westmead 2

A letter emailed today, (Mon 20 Apr 2015,)  by one of our readers to the GP who referred him to Dr Andrew Brooks, with a copy to Dr Brooks.

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Hopefully, posts we have put up and will continue to put up on this blog will mean that some of our readers won’t suffer similar fates at the hands of Dr Brooks – fates that otherwise might have befallen them.

Of course, as is our policy, Dr Brooks has been given every opportunity to tell his side of the story – about 25 emails have been sent to him. But he hasn’t responded to any of them – and we suspect he’s never responded to a letter from a patient in his life.

We not sure that too much can be done about Dr Brooks under the rotten health systems we have in New South Wales, but if things can’t be done about Dr Brooks we’re not sure whether much can be done about any but a tiny minority of the doctors in New South Wales.

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