The 5 Oct 2017 article on the Sydney Morning Herald’s website about what is termed a “nipple saving” machine, which you can read by using this link, seems to strongly indicate that women having reconstructive breast cancer surgery should do everything they can to make sure that the surgeon carrying it out has access to one of these machines.
Questions that should be asked include:-
Of the hospital you are having the operation in – Do the Surgeons in your hospital have access to the “nipple saving” machine described in this article?
Of the surgeon who is going to be carrying out your operation – are you going to have access to the “nipple saving” machine described in this article?
Is there an email address I can use to get answers to my questions about this machine and generally, and if so, what is it?
If you don’t ask these questions, it will be much more difficult to blame anyone else but yourself if things go wrong.