A letter just, on 8 Jul. 2020, emailed to Ms Sue Dawson, the Commissioner at the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission.
To us, the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission is SUCH an important element in the running of our State, requiring that it’s Commissioner be one of the very best people available. (Doctors should be made to feel that they have to perform at the highest level – at present there are indications everywhere you turn that they feel they can get away with just about anything, because they can!)
And, to us, the fact that anything like 98% of the people who make complaints about NSW doctors to the HCCC end up being told that they have nothing to complain about raises only two possibilities – either, that a remarkable number of the people in NSW are just plain stupid, (to us, it’s an insult to us, you and me, the people of NSW, to say that 98% of those of us who complain, have nothing to complain about, yet that seems to be Dawson’s position) or, that Sue Dawson may not be amongst the very best people available to be it’s Commissioner.
And the fact that Dawson has retained the role of being it’s Commissioner for the 3 and a half years in which Ms Berejiklian has been our Premier – since January 2017 – raises the question as to whether she is the amongst the very best people to be the top person in our government??? To us, it’s a blight on her Premiership.
(We’re trying to get Jodi McKay, the Leader of the Opposition in NSW, involved in this issue as well. But she may well not be interested either.)
The most important part of any leader’s job is for them to be ensuring, as best they can, that the very best people are filling the key roles in governments as with all organisations, and to us, while Ms Dawson is the HCCC’s CEO, it would appear that Premier Berejiklian may be sadly lacking in this regard.
We’ll let you know if a response is received from Ms Dawson to the email shown above – but, in our experience, she’s not really into providing responses to emails.
Email us at info@questionsmisc.info.
An 17 July, 2020, update: Our email has been acknowledged and replied to – more later!