Dr Palmisano has a 10 out of 10 rating, dated 13 Dec 2013, on the RateMDs.com website, where he’s listed as under the “Family Doctor / G.P.” specialty.
But in this Google result, from a search on his name, he’s listed as a Psychiatrist.
What is he? – a GP or a Psychiatrist?
And we can’t find that he’s registered to practice medicine in Australia – doesn’t seem listed on the grandly named Australian Health Practitioners Registration Agency’s Registers of Practitioners.
Does any one care?
In days gone by I would have chased things like this up. But:-
His patients wouldn’t care! The doctor wouldn’t care – nowhere where you can email him for clarification, and we haven’t got time to phone around No one in AHPRA would care. I’ve even chased things like this up with ministers for health, and they don’t care.
Perhaps there’s some special AHPRA trick to searching his name like there is with Dr Amachavadi Lingarajurs Krishne Urs! You’d think that if you wanted to know if Dr Urs was registered to practice medicine in Australia you’d search on “Urs.” But no, if you do this you’ll think he isn’t registered. No, by accident we found that you have to search on “Krishna Urs.” And when we questioned AHPRA on this? – “How dare you question AHPRA’S wisdom and judgment in requiring you to search on his religious birth name in India?”
We spent quite a bit of time on this about 5 years ago – we even went to speak to Dr Urs personally, but he had no idea what we were talking about. In 5 years nothing’s changed. Again, AHPRA doesn’t care, Dr Urs doesn’t care, and his patients wouldn’t care.
What a shambles!
Any of our readers got any ideas?